Corporate Information

Corporate Information

Hutchison Port Holdings Management Pte. Limited, an indirect wholly-owned subsidiary of CK Hutchison, is the Trustee-Manager. The Trustee-Manager aims to provide Unitholders with stable and regular distributions as well as long-term DPU growth.

Reporting Structure:
Hutchison Port Holdings Management Pte. Limited

(incorporated in the Republic of Singapore with limited liability)

Board of Directors
  • Mr. LAI Kai Ming, Dominic (Chairman and Non-executive Director)
  • Mr. IP Sing Chi (Executive Director)
  • Ms. Edith SHIH (Non-executive Director)
  • Ms. LEE Tung Wan, Diana (Non-executive Director)
  • Professor CHAN Fan-cheong, Tony (Independent Non-executive Director)
  • Dr. FONG Chi Wai, Alex (Independent Non-executive Director and Lead Independent Director)
  • Mr. LEE Kah Lup (Independent Non-executive Director)
  • Ms. SEAH Bee Eng (alias Jennifer LOH) (Independent Non-executive Director)
  • Ms. IM Man Ieng (Independent Non-executive Director)
Chief Executive Officer
  • Mr. Ivor CHOW
Chief Financial Officer
  • Mr. NG Chi Kit, Jimmy

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