Corporate Information

Corporate Information

The asset portfolio of Hutchison Port Holdings Trust (“HPH Trust”) includes market-leading, best-in-class and deep-water container terminals in the Pearl River Delta of South China.

In Hong Kong, HPH Trust operates Hongkong International Terminals ("HIT"), COSCO-HIT Terminals (“COSCO-HIT” and Asia Container Terminals (“ACT”). In mainland China, HPH Trust operates Yantian International Container Terminals (“YANTIAN”) and Huizhou International Container Terminals (“HICT”).

While our operations in Hong Kong focus on transshipment as a result of the free port status in Hong Kong, the main focus of our operations in Shenzhen is on origin and destination cargoes. Together, these ports with a total of 38 berths, handled a total throughput of 21.3 million twenty-foot equivalent unit ("TEU") in 2023.

HPH Trust has been listed on the Main Board of the Singapore Stock Exchange since March 2011, and has launched dual currency trading of its units since early 2012.

Asset Portfolio of HPH Trust in the Pearl River Delta

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