Hutchison Port Holdings Trust - Annual Report 2015 - page 43

Cold ironing berths at YICT
Cold ironing is the process of providing shoreside electrical
power to a berthed vessel, allowing the vessel to completely
turn oœ its diesel engines and eliminate emissions from diesel
consumption. In 2015, YICT has installed a cold ironing unit which
is able to cover five berths.
With our large scale of operations, the Trust has
in place stringent frameworks and processes
that ensure smooth, uninterrupted operations.
Besides ensuring that all certificates and internal
guidelines are up to date, periodic reviews are
also carried out to ascertain that all practices
comply with the highest levels of safety and
security protocols.
YICT achieved new terminal operating system record
On 28 June 2015, YICT and the China Hewlett-Packard
Company held a joint ceremony at YICT to mark the successful
completion of the Challenge 2000 programme, under which
YICT’s terminal operating system achieved 2,000 days of
uninterrupted service. This exceeded the system’s previous
record of 1,000 consecutive days of operation without
experiencing any unplanned system downtime.
When interacting with and selecting our vendors, the Trust adheres
to a strict framework and stringent protocols. Each potential
vendor is assessed in a fair and unbiased selection process, with
clear communication and full transparency. We also ensure that
appropriate channels are established with our stakeholders to
facilitate transparent and eœective communication and swift
reporting of any suspected improprieties.
We recognise the need to protect our customer and operation
data. The Trust has in place safeguards that work to ensure
data privacy and integrity of intellectual property. There are
strict data protection standards and mechanisms to ensure the
confidentiality of our customers’ information.
In establishing a strong internal control framework, stringent
policies and a vigorous enforcement regime, the Trust has put in
place a series of measures against corruption and fraud.
The executive management team sets a standard of zero-
tolerance on corruption and fraud. Such a strong stance
is reflected in the Trust’s policy on the subject which is
communicated to all employees. To reinforce and remind
third-party suppliers of this position, the Trust has incorporated
suitable clauses into its supply contracts, and such eœorts are
further strengthened by its internal audit function.
When there is suspicion or incidence of corruption or fraud, an
immediate review of the matter will be initiated. Furthermore,
cases falling within certain criteria are brought to the attention
of the Audit Committee and executive management, and
are thoroughly investigated by our internal auditors. We have
also established an independent whistle blower channel for
individuals to anonymously report any suspected or actual
irregularities or misdeeds. The Trust also cooperates fully with law
enforcement agencies in their investigations.
The Trust takes a strong stance against corruption and fraud,
which is an important part of its overall governance framework.
Assets and the hard-earned profits of Unitholders are key
priorities of the Trust and we dedicate resources to safeguard
these priorities.
ICAC Talks
In November 2015, a speaker from the Independent
Commission Against Corruption (“ICAC”) conducted talks at
HIT for management staœ plus all staœ from the Contract &
Procurement department. The talks served to reinforce staœ
awareness on the importance of ethical standards and to
highlight their important roles in managing staœ integrity in
the company.
YICT celebrating the completion of the Challenge 2000 programme
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