Executive Director
Non-executive Director
Mr. IP Sing Chi, aged 62, has been an Executive Director
of the Trustee-Manager since February 2011. He is group
managing director of HPH since 2014 and chairman of
Yantian International Container Terminals Limited. He is also
an external director of Hyundai Merchant Marine Co., Ltd.,
a non-independent non-executive director of Westports
Holdings Berhad and an independent non-executive director
of COSCO Pacific Limited and China Shipping Development
Company Limited. In addition, he was a member of the Hong
Kong Port Development Council until the end of December
2014 and was the founding chairman (in 2000-2001) of the
Hong Kong Container Terminal Operators Association Limited.
He has over 35 years of experience in the maritime industry. He
holds a Bachelor of Arts degree.
Mr. Frank John SIXT, aged 64, has been a Non-executive
Director of the Trustee-Manager since February 2011. He is also
a member of the Audit Committee of the Trustee-Manager.
He has been a non-executive director of CKHH since 9 January
2015 and was re-designated as an executive director, group
finance director and deputy managing director of CKHH on
3 June 2015. Mr. Sixt has been an executive director of Cheung
Kong since 1991 and became a non-executive director in 1998.
The listing status of Cheung Kong on The Stock Exchange of
Hong Kong Limited was replaced by CKHH on 18 March 2015
and he was re-designated as director of Cheung Kong on
3 June 2015. He has been an executive director of HWL since
1991, group finance director since 1998 and was re-designated
as director on 8 June 2015 when HWL was privatised by way of
a scheme of arrangement on 3 June 2015. He is also the non-
executive chairman of TOM Group Limited, an executive director
of CKI, a non-executive director of HTHKH and Power Assets, a
director of HTAL and Husky Energy, and an alternate director to
directors of HTAL, HKEIM as the trustee-manager of HK Electric
Investments, and HKEIL. The aforementioned companies are
either subsidiaries or associated companies of CKHH Group
in which Mr. Sixt acts as chairman or director for the purpose
of overseeing the management of such businesses. Mr. Sixt
holds a Master’s degree in Arts and a Bachelor’s degree in Civil
Law, and is a member of the Bar and of the Law Society of the
Provinces of Quebec and Ontario, Canada.